Sapling Types


These trees are broad with strong development. They have very good production. Their fruits are sweet, juicy, crisp, strong with well nutritious quality. They can be kept at cold storage warehouses for 160-170 days, and 310-320 days at atmosphere controlled cold storage warehouses (CA). They are one of the rus-resistant Golden clones.


Scarlet Spur trees are of a very productive, semi-upright type. For this cultivate, semi-dwarf and strong apple rootstocks should be preferred. Their fruits have long conic shape and are of medium size that grow larger if well-tended. They are preferred by the producers, since they achieve their skin color very early. The flesh of the fruits are creamy colored, and the juicy fruits have a hard texture with a sweet and delicious taste.


Jeromine trees develop strongly. Therefore, singling out from other red apple types, they can deliver full dwarf orchards when grafted to M9 rootstocks. It is the most attractive of the Red Delicious type apples with the most vivid colors. Their fruits are of medium size, with a hard, sweet and juicy flesh.


These semi-upright trees develop very fast, and are very productive. They adapt well to dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks. They are of medium size and have long cylindrical shape. They have a light cream color. They can be kept for long periods at cold storage warehouses. Their skin is pink against a light yellow base.


The trees of this type of peach, also known as flat peaches, develop with average strength and have very high productivity. The flesh of the fruit is hard and juicy, with very extended storage, transport and shelf-life. The color of the fruit is a strong dark red spread across its whole surface. Covered with few fuzz, it has a very attractive appearance.

Sauzee 682

The Sauzee 682 peach trees develop with average strength and have very high productivity. Their fruits are flat, round and plain. Their skin has an attractive redness. The flesh of this fruit is white and hard. Covered with few fuzz, it has a very attractive appearance.

Sauzee 699

These trees develop almost broadly in a very rapid development phase. These fruit types are very productive. Their fruit is big, flat and round. Their flesh is white, and has a sweet, soft and aromatic taste. The fuzz on these fruits are sparse.


The trees grow vigorously and semi-erectly. Compared to other Gala types, the color formation starts earlier and the coloration is more intense. It is the Gala type that gets the best color especially in low altitude areas. The top color of the fruit skin is red at a rate of 90-100%. It has a fruit flavor and an excellent taste.


These trees develop broad and very strong. Their skin is darker than Gala, and lighter than Galaxy Gala, with a bright reddish-orange hue over a yellow base color. Their hard, juicy flesh is of a creamy color, with an aromatic, sweet taste.


Trees are vigorous, semi-upright and fast growing. It is a fairly regular fruiting variety. Although it is the latest variety among Gala varieties, it produces the reddest and largest fruits. They form very large fruits. In addition to having the same taste characteristics as other Gala varieties, it is the indispensable choice of customers who are constantly looking for Gala flavor with its storage strength thanks to the hardness of the fruit flesh.


It is a very productive variety that grows weak and semi-upright. Tree growth is good in semi-dwarf clone rootstocks. The fruits are medium-sized, large, flattened. Fruit skin color is bright red on yellow ground. Fruit flesh is creamy white, sweet, firm, juicy and delicious. It can be stored for a long time in cold air facilities.


The tree shows a vigorous, semi-upright and widespread growth. It is a mid-winter apple variety. Its fruit is medium-large, round and slightly conical. The stem is long. The bark is yellow-green and sparsely mottled. The flesh is firm, less acidic, very juicy and fragrant. It is a productive variety and dilution is required.


These cultivates originate from Australia. These semi-upright trees develop strongly and are very productive. Their fruits are of medium size and have a long cylindrical shape. Their skin is pink on a light yellow base. When consumed a few months later than the fruit harvest season, they achieve an excellent aroma.

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